Published: 22 February, 2017

Children have been learning key basic life-saving skills thanks to funding from gtd healthcare.

The basic life support training was delivered by gtd healthcare’s Trish Ward and saw nearly 60 children aged eight and nine years old participate in the hands on sessions, which was funded by the 2016 Innovation Fund.

Trish Ward, gtd healthcare’s basic life support trainer, said the Manor Green Primary Academy children were really engaged and were so excited to get involved in learning CPR.

"The children watched me do a demonstration of CPR and then we talked it through,” she said.

"All the children were given an opportunity to get up and have a go for themselves. They were wonderful and asked lots of questions. It was obvious they found it interesting as they were forthcoming with their own personal experiences of accidents, illnesses and deaths of family members.

"Many of the kids asked about how to become nurses, doctors and paramedics and I think we may have inspired more than a few to be future health care professionals.”