Published: 25 November, 2022

gtd healthcare staff have pledged to make a positive difference and spread the word about antimicrobial resistance.

Antimicrobial Awareness Week took place from 18 to 24 November and aims to raise awareness of global antimicrobial resistance and encourage best practices for using them responsibly.

Sarah Connolly, infection prevention and control practitioner, said antimicrobials are used to prevent, control and treat infectious diseases, however, antimicrobial resistance is happening now and is one of the biggest threats to global health.

"The importance of antimicrobials becoming increasingly ineffective has been recognised at all levels and throughout the organisation's geographical footprint," she said.

"It was a fantastic week with both clinical and non-clinical staff gettingAnnotation 2022-11-30 154118.jpg involved. Infection prevention and control links encouraged staff to pledge about what they are doing to help prevent and spread the word about antimicrobial resistance.

"A true and false questionnaire, which focused on how well the staff know their antibiotics was issued to test our people's knowledge.

"Staff pledged to continue to promote the message of the awareness event in their daily practice to provide high-quality care."